15thDecember 2021
Research Design Seminar Update: On the 13th and 14th of December 2021, the EPIEM / TU Austria Inter-University Research Seminar on “Applied Econometrics: Overview and Key Concepts” with Prof. Dr. Timotej Jagric was held online. Many thanks to Lukas Holder as well as Rudolf Grünbichler for co-hosting this event!

25thNovember 2021
On the 23rd and 24th of November 2021, the EPIEM / TU Austria Inter-University Research Seminar on “How to Prepare Posters and Conference Papers” was successfully held online. Many thanks to Dr. Sara Crockett and all participants and to Lukas Holder for co-hosting! We already hope to see you again (also with other interested students – please register!).

4th November 2021
On Monday (November 8, 2021) at 8:00 am (CET) DI Philipp Miklautsch and DI Alexander Kaiblinger will give a presentation on “Digital Twin: The Development and The Deployment in Industrial Logistics“. The lecture will be held in the course of Mr. Miklautsch’s secondment at Chiang Mai University in Thailand as part of the H2020 project “SME 4.0”. Participation is free of charge using the following link: https://zoom.us/j/95128355366
3rd November 2021
Dr. Erwin Rauch as a member of EPIEM led one focus group at the 2021 edition of the World Manufacturing Forum bringing together 17 international experts from research, industry and government and presented the White Paper titled “AI as an enabler for long-term resilience in manufacturing”. Link to the paper: https://worldmanufacturing.org/report/back-to-the-future-emerging-topics-for-long-term-resilience-in-manufacturing/
1st October 2021
Research Design Workshop @ TU Graz on “How to prepare Posters and Conference Papers”: This intensive, practice-based workshop provides IEM students and scholars with strategies and tools that they can use to prepare, create and revise posters and conference papers in English more efficiently and effectively.
15th September 2021
ESTIEM is announcing the 63rd ESTIEM Council Meeting in Seville (Spain), from the 9th of November until the 13th of November 2021. This ESTIEM Council Meeting will bring together around 150 Industrial Engineering and Management students from 26 European countries. During the General Assemblies, you will be also informed about our latest developments in the ESTIEM Network.
2nd July 2021
“Industry 4.0 for SMEs – Smart Manufacturing and Logistics for SMEs”: This Special Issue edited by active members of the EPIEM network represents a collection of theoretical models as well as practical case studies related to the introduction of Industry 4.0 concepts in small- and medium-sized enterprises. Details you may find HERE.
1st June 2021
The Proceedings of the 14th EPIEM Conference on “IEM Teaching and Research at the Crossroads of Innovation, Digitalisation and Sustainability” are available HERE.

12th May 2021
Conference on “Sustainable and Innovative Procurement – Skills & Competencies for the 21st Century”. The PERISCOPE project group is inviting the IEM community to participate in this online event on the 21st of May 2021, from 10:00 to 12:30 CET (register free of charge via: https://www.tilmeld.dk/periscope2021/programme). IEMers will have the great opportunity to discuss with experts from practice and academia the future of supply chains and procurement.
5th May 2021
ICL2021 (24th International Conference on Interactive Collaborative Learning), 22nd – 24th September 2021: Call for Papers (Deadline: 1st June 2021) for the Special Session “EiEE – Entrepreneurship in Engineering Education”. For details please visit: http://www.icl-conference.org/current/cfp_EiEE.php
4th May 2021
Invitation to participate in the 10th International Conference of Management and Industrial Engineering (ICMIE 2021) on the topic “Business Change and Digital Transformation in a World Moving Through Crisis”. For further information, please visit www.icmie-faima.ro
15th April 2021
Online workshop on the topic: Introduction of Industry 4.0 in SMEs with a focus on production and logistics on the 14th of May 2021 (9:00 a.m. – noon). Registration (free of charge) at: http://www.woschank.com/surveys/index.php/411653?lang=de
25th March 2021
EPIEM wants to announce the upcoming Research Design Seminar on “Applied Econometrics: Overview and Key Concepts” taking place at Graz University of Technology on the 15th & 16th of November 2021.
22nd March 2021
Prof. Alves, our “Coordinator Teaching Activities”, is co-editor of a book called Training Engineering Students for Modern Technological Advancement to be published by IGI Global and scheduled for release in 2022. Topics are related to Engineering Education and similar topics concerned with training engineering students or professionals in academic and/or industrial environments. More details about the submission could be found HERE.
20th March 2021
We want to announce the upcoming seminar with the title “Smart Logistics: New Technologies and Technological Concepts for Industrial Logistics“. For details please click HERE. This is the link to register.
28th February 2021
The next opportunity to meet and to join a conference will be given at the 14th EPIEM Conference. It would be great if interested IEM Professors from Universities all over Europe would take the chance to be an active part of the 14th EPIEM Conference in Graz/Austria (virtual) and contribute to the future development of the EPIEM community.
15th January 2021
PAEE/ALE’2021 (International Conference on Active Learning in Engineering Education), on the topic “The Development of Competences for Engineers within a Global Context” is organized on July 07-09, 2021, in a hybrid format. For further information please contact the organizing committee (paee@dps.uminho.pt).